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Class catalog
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A Mother’s Love
A celebration of Motherhood. The history of Mother's Day, mother's day trivia and music, and reminiscence.
The Truth About Saint Patrick
St. Patrick was a lucky Irishman who wore green, drove the snakes out of Ireland, and loved green beer… Except not a single word of that is true!
Women Who Changed the World
From science to politics, to mathematics and space, women have played a part in changing the world often blazing the trail while battling adversity.
Everybody Loves Love
A great presentation for Valentine's Day or whenever you want to celebrate love.
Jubilee Singers
The Fisk Jubilee Singers are African-American vocal artists and students at Fisk University in Nashville, TN., who sing and travel worldwide.
Tower of London
The Tower of London is one of the most notorious castles in the world. Join us to hear about the history of the building and the scandals of the Kings and Queens that lived there.
I Watched It All On My Radio
Do you remember the days before television? Do you remember what your family radio looked like and where it was in your home? Let's take a little trip back in time and talk about radio and the shows that we loved. Oh, and keep an ear out for the name of some of the sponsors which I am sure will be familiar.
Magicians of Influence*
Learn about the individual magicians that caused amazement and wonder, from producing simple card tricks to making the statue of liberty disappear!
WWII Code Breakers & Spies
Under cover and in secret during World War II, Allied spies and secret agents worked behind the scenes to send messages, take pictures, and find out about the enemy's plans. These spies broke codes and stopped weapons programs.
The Amazing United States of America
Travel through the good old US of A and learn some of the best, worsts and most bizarre facts about each state.
Saturday Evening Post
The Saturday Evening Post was one of the most widely circulated American weekly magazines of its day. Who doesn't remember having one lying on their coffee table at home? Come hear about the magazine's history and have a look at many of the amazing Norman Rockwell magazine covers that depicted all parts of our American life.
Native Americans
Let’s explore the past and present of the Navajo, Cherokee, Sioux, Chippewa and Commanche tribes of North America.
Moon Landing
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Learn about the science behind how the rockets got to the moon and conspiracy theories about our first walk.