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Class catalog
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Heart Rate & Exercise*
Exercise smarter, not harder Participants will learn about the connection between their heart rate and overall health, and more importantly how to use this personalized information to improve heart health, and increase the effectiveness of their workouts regardless of age.
Green-Time for Health*
Take a brief retreat from your phone, laptop, or TV to practice mindfulness in nature and experience the many physical and emotional benefits of intentional green-time sessions.
Eating & Meal Planning*
Meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and even eating gets a whole lot easier when you have a pool of genuine knowledge to draw from. Get caught up to speed with the science of eating as we discuss tips & guidelines to rethink recipes, and establish a new relationship with food.
Creating Your Health & Longevity VIsion*
Participants will learn about sustainable behavior change as they are guided through an evidence-based process to create long-term & short-term goals, along with actionable next steps to take for the betterment of their health & wellbeing in retirement. 45 mins + time for Q&A
Jokes & Pranks
Let's have a laugh together. Learn about the history of April Fools Day and some of the oldest pranks on record. Take a trip down memory lane with some classic candid camera and share your best jokes!
Laughter is the Best Medicine
There have been so many comedians that have filled us with laughter over the years. Let's remember some of them and view a few clips that gave us the giggles!
Secret Lives of Amazing Authors
These authors have created amazing literacy pieces of art, taking you into worlds of fantasy and amazement. But sometimes… authors have lives that are more bizarre and weird than the stories they create.
Quilts & Conversation*
Participants will have an opportunity to view a collection of quilts, and learn about the historical significance of quilting.
Wonderful World of Dogs
Come hear about the evolution of man's best friend, learn about some of the different breeds and famous dogs and their owners.
Wonderful World of Cats
Meow! Are you a cat person? Let's take a look at some of the cuddliest and weirdest breeds.
Animals of Australia
Australia has some of the weirdest, most wonderful animals in the world. Not to mention some of the most deadly.
Weird and Amazing USA
Take a look at the best, the worst & the most bizarre aspects of each state as we travel around the USA.
Unusual Foods From Around the World
It’s time to take a trip around the world and delve into all the weird foods our species like to chow down on.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Travel around the world and visit some of the many places that are being protected and preserved by UNESCO. Many you have heard about.....many you have not!
Traveling Route 66
U.S. Highway 66 -- popularly known as Route 66 or the Mother Road -- holds an elevated place in American consciousness and tells diverse stories of a mobile nation on the road.